An Archive of Research Funding Opportunities for Faculty in the College of Education, the College of Law, and the Library at the University of Saskatchewan

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindburgh Foundation Grants


Each year, The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation provides grants of up to $10,580 (a symbolic amount representing the cost of the Spirit of St. Louis) to men and women whose individual initiative and work in a wide spectrum of disciplines furthers the Lindberghs' vision of a balance between the advance of technology and the preservation of the natural/human environment.

Grants Fact SheetUpon receipt of grant application forms in the Lindbergh Foundation office, the applications are screened administratively for completeness and appropriateness.

They are then sent for two "balance reviews" from members of the Foundation's Board of Directors Foundation friends and former grant recipients and are reviewed for the project's potential to address the balance between technological growth and man's human/natural environment.

Next, the applications are sent to an independent Technical Review Panel which includes individuals drawn from academia, industry, government, media, foundations, and other non-profit organizations, all respected for their expertise in the areas in which Lindbergh Grants are made. The three to four panelists evaluate each project for its ability to solve the stated problem, the originality of the approach, and its practical application.

Applications receiving the most favorable balance and technical reviews are sent to the Board's Grants Selection Committee. It is this committee that recommends the most outstanding projects for Lindbergh Grants and Certificates of Merit, the later awarded to applicants whose projects, while not selected for a grant, are considered worthy of special recognition.

The full Board acts on the recommendations at its winter/spring meeting.


The deadline for grant applications June 9, 2011.
Download the 2012 Application here.

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